Friday, 7 December 2018


Hello Year 4!

It's nearly Christmas! I'm looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Christmas fair on Sunday. Thank you very much for your kind donations for the class Christmas hamper, it is greatly appreciated.

Highlights of the week.
We have had a busy week in Year 4 and the children have really been getting into the Christmas spirit. We have begun opening our 'Christmas acts of kindness' advent calendar and even the classroom has been redecorated with Christmas decorations, thanks to the wonderful help of Mrs Farrell and Mrs Kirby. We even had an elf on the shelf visit us this afternoon, who wrote on my whiteboard in permanent marker!

The children have really enjoyed our new topic in English looking at non chronological reports. They have been looking at a variety of different reports to help with their understanding of successful non-fiction writing. The class have also been working really hard on consolidating their maths fluency with a mental maths test today. The class have also been getting really hands on in D&T, making their prototypes for mechanical moving posters promoting recycling. The children really worked on developing their resilience skills during this lesson as a lot of them felt the frustration when their levers did not work first time. However, they were able to reflect maturely on what went well and what didn't, and suggest improvements and alternations for when they make their final product next week.

Next week:


Producing non chronological reports on Volcanoes.

The spelling focus for this week is words with the 'ou' spelling but have the 'u' sound.
Remember if you think you know these spellings you can challenge yourself to find different words that follow the same spelling rule.

The children did really well in their spelling test this week so thank you for supporting them in their learning at home. It really makes a difference to their progress and self esteem when they have practised before the test.

Maths:Next week we are focusing on measuring weight accurately. Any pre-learning you can do at home would really help. This can be helping read scales when cooking or baking, or looking at the different amount of liquids.

Maths investigation of the week:
For the maths problem this week I have sent the children how with a Christmas activity to consolidate their multiplication facts to complete if they want too. They do not need to bring this back to school, they can keep this and work thorough it.

Invertebrate hunt!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Bradford