Friday, 15 February 2019


Hello Year 4! We have made it to half term and we are now half way through the year! I cannot believe fast the time is going! 

Highlights of the week:
The children have had a lovely week where they have reflected on their learning so far this year. They produced a whole class cinquan poem based on their learning across all of the subjects. It was really lovely to see so many of you at open afternoon and see the work that the children have produced. We also had a really interesting investigation looking at the melting and cooling process in science. The children melted chocolate and wrote a diary entry in the point of view of the chocolate bar! They generated some really imaginative creative writing examples and used scientific vocabulary to explain what was happening to make the particles break down from a solid to a liquid. The children have been working really hard on decimals and have really consolidated their understanding of place value in decimal numbers. 

After half term: 
Please find below a brief outline of the topics the children will be covering over the next half term.

Story setting, persuasive writing and performing a play.

Calculating with decimals, money and fractions.

States of matter continued.

The Rainforest.

Different ideas about God and creations and exploring the significance of Good Friday. 

Healthy me.

Items in my classroom and pencil case.

Designing a research app. 

The group that have not been to Stormont will have the chance to go and the other group will be completing some photography art and using water colours. 

Home learning over the holidays:
-Learning your time stables. We have learned the 2, 5, 10, 11, 3, 6, 4, and 9s as a class. Our next focus will be the 8 times tables (which is just double the 4s!) Please make sure you are practising at home! 
-Try and have at least a few technology free days! If you are going online this holiday, please make sure you are being safe. We have spent a lot of time discussing e-safety this half term, make sure you are making sensible choices online. 

Enjoy the holidays and I am looking forward to seeing you coming back refreshed after the break. 

Miss Bradford