Friday, 1 March 2019


Good afternoon Year 4 and welcome back! Although it has been lovely to see the class come back to school full of enthusiasm, the children have had to be reminded quite a lot this week about the level of noise disrupting their learning. I am looking forward to you all coming into school a lot more focused next week.

Highlights of the week.
We started the week by making the most of the beautiful sunshine and the children had a maths lesson outside. They practically consolidated their understanding of placing decimal numbers on a human number line. They have worked really hard on this and are now very secure in this topic. The children have also been working really hard on their times tables this week and have been increasing their accuracy and speed. We have now completed our 2s, 10s, 5s,11s,3s,6s,4s,8s and 9s. Next week we will be focusing on our 7s. Please make sure you are practising this times table at home. In English, the children have been using their senses to write spooky stories. I have been really impressed with the huge improvement in the children’s writing since the start of the year. Keep it up Year 4!

Next week:

Calculating with decimals.


The children will be writing their own fairy tale stories focusing on story settings.

This week we are going to be focusing on words with the prefix ‘anti’ and ‘inter’. The children need to know the spelling and definition of each word as well as knowing how to use each word in a sentence.

Extended piece of writing on the water cycle.

Identifying layers of vegetation.

Christian creation story.

The group at Stormont will be designing their plates and the group with me will be completing some mindfulness photography.

Recap of animals in Spanish.

Using google earth to locate The Rainforest.

Different friendship groups.

I hope you have a restful weekend. Please continue to learn your times tables, read and complete some learning on Mathletics.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday for a more focused calm start to the week.
Miss Bradford