Friday, 3 May 2019


Hello Year 4! What a busy week of learning we have had!

Highlights of the week:
The week began with our trip to Potters Bar train station. The school had a talk from the railway safety officers about how to be safe on the railways and how to use information in the train station to navigate to different destinations. Our class put this into practise at the station, and I was really impressed with how much information the children were able to gain from the timetables and different information points at the station.

On Thursday we had 4 children who were randomly selected to take part in the science and technology workshop at Oakmere primary school. They competing against other schools and they had to combine their design and science skills to build a roller coaster structure for a marble to go through without breaking. The children worked really hard and also developed their teamwork skills and I was very impressed with what they produced!

As always, we have been showing our learning through drama in science. The children enjoyed a very practical lesson where they have been showing their initial understanding of what electricity is. We also made a whole class circuit to help explore this.

Next week:

Publishing nature poems


Please see below for the spelling words. The children had a pretest today so they must be practising the ones they got wrong. If they got them all or nearly all correct they have to find spelling words that follow the same rule. The spelling pattern is words with 'sion'

Fractions of quantities continued.


Completing and testing complete and incomplete circuits.


Exploring wisdom in Sikh stories.


Animal rights.


Items in my pencil case.

Who were the Picts and Scots and where did they live?

Designing patterns for prints inspired from  Indian Art.

Understanding how emails work.


It is absolutely imperative that children are reading, learning their spellings, timetables and completing work on Mathletics at home. It really does show when in both their progress, attainment and attitude to learning when they complete small amounts of work at home. Please ensure that your children are doing this. This week the children had a timetables test as we have now learnt all of the times tables in class. I gave them a blank times table grid to complete at home. This does not need to be returned to school, but I will be sending a blank one home every week after we complete one in class for the children to do at home. 

Have a lovely long weekend! I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Miss Bradford