Friday, 10 May 2019


Good afternoon Year 4!

Highlights of the week:
This week the children have had a real fire in their bellies about climate change, and are determined that as a class, we need to do something to raise awareness of what is happening to our world. The children have been planning, drafting and writing letters to the local MP explaining what we have learnt, what we are doing to help the environment and suggestions for what they can do on a larger scale. Next week we will be posting their letters off so please ensure you have emailed me by next Friday if you do not  want your child's letter being sent off. The only information on the letter will be their first name and the name of the school. Fingers crossed that we get a response and some of the ideas the children have thought of for climate change will get considered!

Next week: 
Comprehension focus on 'Friend or Foe'.

This weeks spellings are 20 spellings taken from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list. The children have had their pretest today and have spoken individually with me about which ones they are practising out of that 20. Children that have got them all, or nearly all right, have been sent home with the whole list of Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory spellings to identify which ones they need to learn. In this case, please choose a selection of these to practise.

This is the list of spellings for this week:

Fractions in the context of measurement and conversions.

Continuing complete and incomplete circuits.


This week the children talking about special memories, so next week they will be looking at animal rights.


Editing out letters to the local MP.

Exploring information about the Picts and Scots and their culture.

Painting our printed designs inspired by Indian art.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully filled with sunshine and not hail or thunder!

Miss Bradford