Thursday 16 May 2019


Hello Year 4. I cannot believe we are heading into our last week before the May half term! Time is certainly flying! 

As part of our D&T, we are looking at healthy eating. We are making fruit salad sculptures on Thursday afternoon. Please can you ensure your child brings in a variety of fruit they would like to use for the sculpture on Thursday. Please see below for an idea of what we are going to make. 

This week you have all received an email about our trip to the Natural History Museum on Friday 6th June. Please make sure you have given consent and paid as soon as possible. We will be going to see an earthquake/volcano workshop to consolidate on our learning about this topic early on in the year. We will then have time to look around parts of the museum before heading back on the coach. The children are very excited and we are all looking forward to a great trip out! 

Highlights of the week:
This week the children have really enjoyed reading 'Friend or Foe'  and have been getting into role by writing diary entries and letters from the point of view of the character. In maths the class have been recapping how to work out long multiplication. Some children have used dienes blocks to help them, others used the grid method and other children used the column method. They have really been challenging themselves this week when working out 2 or 3 step problems. 

Next week:

Finishing off 'Friend of Foe' with comprehension focus.

This week we are looking at different homophones. The children need to know the spellings and when to use them all. 
Please also recap: there, their and they're and when to use them. 

Written methods for division

Investigating switches.

Researching culture. 

Times table practise.

Comprehension on Sikh religious stories. 

Showing love and appreciation for animals and others. 

Making fruit sculpture. 

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday!