Friday, 28 June 2019


Hello Year 4!
What a great week full of sporting events we have had!
It was so great to see all of the children joining in with sports day yesterday, eager to win points for their houses. The boys and girls also really enjoyed the football tournament this week and played extremely well.
Thank you to Freddie's mum for providing this photograph of the boys tournament this week!

Also, a massive congratulations to the whole class this week for completing their times table tests. They did fantastically and showed great determination and resilience during this. Well done Year 4!

Next week:

Continuing to look at explanation texts in order to help design an outdoor game.


This week we have been looking closely at pre-fixes and how they change the root word.  I have also included 2 exceptions to this rule which highlighted in bold below. We have discussed as a class why these both do not fit the rule.



Coordinates, position and direction.

Spanish/ ICT

Creating a power point show casing learning.


Due to sports day we did not get time to complete geography this week so we will be looking at investigating rivers next week.


How do personal values link to religion?


Expression drawings in the style of Franz Marc


Next week we will be discussing puberty and the changes that happen to the body in this time. It would be helpful if you could be prepared to answer any questions from your child relating to this topic. If you have any concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Please keep up the reading and Mathletics work!

Miss Bradford