Friday, 6 September 2019


Hello Year 4! What a wonderful start to the year we have had this week. I have really enjoyed getting to know all about each and everyone of you and share with you the exciting things I have planned for this year. 

This week was 'waste aware week' where we have been looking at the effect of plastic pollution on our oceans and seas. The class have written stories/poems and even produced a TV advert warning people of the harmful effect of plastic on our environment. We have also taken part in a variety of team building activities, including circle communication games, and building the tallest tower just from newspaper. I have been really impressed with how well the class have worked together in all of their learning this week. 

Topics to be covered this half term:
Below is an overview of the topics we will be covering in each subject this half term. 

Literacy: Traditional quest stories and onomatopoeia poetry. 

Every week the children will have a pretest where they will be tested on the spellings for the upcoming week without having looked at them before. This works as a pre-assessment and means the children are only practising the the words they got wrong. If they receive 7 out of 10 or above, they have the extra challenge of finding other words that fit the same rule as well as learning the ones they got wrong. For example, if they scored 8/10 on their spelling test, they need to practise the 2 they got wrong, and find an additional 8 words that match the same rule, to make up to 10 spellings. For the first week of term I have given the children all the same words, so please do not worry if you find some of them tricky. Based on the scores for this week I will put the children into different spellings groups, so just try and learn as many as you can. This weeks spellings come from the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list which is the list of words children need to know by the end of year 4. I have sent the children home with the whole list today so you have a copy of this at home.
The spellings this week are as follows: 


Maths: Place value in 1000s, 100s, 10s and ones. Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.

Science: The digestive system and food chains. 

History: Local history, including a trip to The Potters Bar museum! (more information to follow). 

Spanish: General greeting, simple sentences and classroom vocabulary. 

Art:  Producing a montage 'all about me'.

ICT: E safety, typing accuracy how does a computer work? Research skills and cross curricular links. 

PSHE: Being me in my world, looking at what it takes to be a class team and understanding democracy. 

RE: Introduction to Sikhism.

Next week: 
Please see below for a list of topics we will be covering next week:

Literacy:  Handwriting focus, writing in pen. 

Maths:  Ordering and comparing numbers beyond 100 and rounding and estimating numbers. 

Science: What is the digestive system? Making a representation of the digestive system using art materials. 

History:  Using a timeline accurately and plotting events in their life on a timeline. 

Spanish: Recap pronunciation of letters.

Art:  Growth mindset drawing activities aiming to diminish the opinion 'I can't draw'.

ICT: E safety drama. 

PSHE:  Introducing the worry box and create PSHE class contract.

RE: What does RE mean to me?

Please note PE information 
Monday - Children need just trainers
Tuesday - PE kit or football kit. You can bring in football boots but these are not essential, trainers are fine. 
Wednesday - swimming kit starting this upcoming week. 

Please make sure you are reading at home and completing work on Mathletics.

Have a lovely weekend and please do not ever hesitate to email me if you have any queries.

Miss Bradford