Friday, 13 September 2019


Hello Year 4! What a great full week of learning we have had. The children have really enjoyed getting started on each of our topics this week. Each week I will include a section below which highlights some the children’s most memorable and favourite learning experiences that we have covered within in the week.
Highlights of the week:
The children have been working really hard on their resilience in our maths lessons understanding place value in different numbers. They have been playing lots of games to help consolidate their understanding. In English, we have been focusing on our handwriting this week, and generated a class contract which includes the children’s own suggestions of how they can make the presentation of their work the best it can be. In science the children had the task of constructing their own version of the digestive system using a range of art resources. The children have also been learning about the importance of e-safety and created a short drama piece based around this.
Every Monday I play the class a ‘mindfulness song of the week’ which is a song  that has themes of motivation and self-esteem. The children listen to this just before they go home at the end of the day and our encouraged to question and listen to the meaning of the song. This week the song was ‘The world’s greatest’ by R Kelly. The children really enjoyed singing along and understanding the important message of self- belief from this song. We will be choosing a new song each week as a further reinforcement of our growth mindset and self-belief ethos.
Next week:
English: Identifying features of myth/quest stories through shared reading, drama and comprehension questions.
Maths: Placing numbers on a number line accurately and estimating and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000.
Science: Functions of the digestive system
PSHE/ART: For PSHE and art on Monday, can I please ask the children to bring in something from home that they feel represents themselves and their personality. It may be a photograph or an object, for example, a swimming trophy or picture of a special place, but please try to avoid bringing in  breakables. We are going to be talking about what is special and unique about each and everyone of us, and use this to help with our art topic, ‘a montage about me’.
History: Placing events on a timeline.
Spanish: Pronunciation practise and tongue twisters.
RE: What is worship?
ICT: Outdoor communication games focusing on how a computer works.
Spellings: The spellings for next week are words ending with the prefix ‘ure’. They will be tested on these next Friday. All children will do these spellings, but if they scored 7/10 or above they need to find other words that follow the same rule to make up their 10 spellings, e.g. if they scored 8/10, they will practise the 2 they got wrong and an additional 8 of their own words they have found with the same rule.
Can I please remind you that Mathletics records need to be in school every day to be checked. They need to be signed every time the children complete some work on Mathletics. This can be done by a child or adult. This is the same with reading records which need to have 2 comments in it before they can changed, one adult comment and one child comment commenting on an aspect from the story that they liked or did not like.
Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.
Miss Bradford