Friday, 20 September 2019


Hello Year 4! Another great week of learning! The children have settled into the expectations and pace of Year 4 really well.

Highlights of the week:
The children have been working hard on understanding place value in different numbers. There is a unit of work called ‘number and place value’ on Mathletics that would be great for the children to practise and consolidate their learning if they have not done so already. In English, we have been focusing on myth/quest stories. The children acted out different stories in this genre to look for features of these texts, ready for when they write their own ones.  In ICT the children learnt how computers work by following instructions by completing some communication games outside. The learnt about the importance of giving clear precise instructions just like when you programme a computer. They also really enjoyed sharing what makes them unique in our PSHE lesson. I was really impressed with how the children talked about their objects and how well they listened and respected each other.
The mindfulness song of the week was ‘Thursday’ By Jess Glynne. The children really enjoyed singing to this and independently identified the theme of the song as being comfortable with who you are and respecting the differences in everyone.

Next week:
English: Using senses to create setting descriptions for myth/quest stories.

Maths: Finishing off rounding and then moving onto using mental methods for addition.

Science: Functions of human teeth.

PSHE: Looking at what makes an effective class team.  

Art: Pencil grip techniques.

History: Preparing interview questions about Potters Bar for a special guest.

Spanish: Spanish tongue twisters.

RE: 5ks of Sikhism.

ICT: Developing typing accuracy using games.

Spellings: The spellings for next week are homophones. I have reminded the children that if they got 7 or more spellings correct, they need to find additional sets of homophones to practise as well as the ones they got wrong.

Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.
Miss Bradford