Friday, 31 January 2020


Good afternoon Year 4!

Highlights of the week:

The children really enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptian mummification ritual and we had a fun game of 'wrap the mummy' where we learnt all about this process. Some of the facts were very disgusting! Also, as we have been learning a lot about the Australian bush fires, the children produced some great pieces of nature art to raise awareness for this in the outside area. We also learnt about how solids can change into a liquid by melting chocolate. The class wrote some great pieces of creative writing in role as the particles of the chocolate describing this change in state.

Please note:

There are quite a lot of children where we have not had permission for their photos to go on the blog. I have lots of photos that I would love to share of our outdoor learning this week, so if you could please ensure that you have given your consent if you are happy for your child to be photographed.

Reading at home:
There are a large number of children that are not reading at home, which is impacting the rate of their progress. Please can you ensure that reading at home is being done and the children are begin heard read as well as on their own.

Water bottles:
Can you please ensure children are coming to school with a water bottle as we are trying to avoid children leaving the classroom  and missing their learning to go to the water fountain. 

Next week:
English: Spooky story settings

Spellings group 1:

Spelling group 2:


Maths: Decimal numbers

Science: This week we did a melting chocolate experiment about melting and cooling which the class loved! So we will be doing our gases experiment next week. Sorry for the previous incorrect information but I felt it was more beneficial for the children to consolidate their understanding of melting and cooling first before completing our gas experiment. 

Spanish: Months of the years

History : Who was Tutankhamun?

PSHE: Creating goals

ICT: Begin building our webistes

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Bradford

Friday, 24 January 2020


Good afternoon Year 4!

Highlights of the week
This week the children finished their PowerPoint presentations about animals and presented these to the class. I was so impressed with the skills the children had picked up, and how clearly and confidently they presented their work to the class. Today is also very exciting as the choir are going to the O2, and lots of children from Year 4 are taking part. I am sure they are looking forward to telling the class about it next week. 

I would also like to say a massive thank you for all the donations we received today for the Australian bush fires, we received lots of money as a class which will help contribute to our whole school donation. 

Next week:

Maths: This week we ended up recapping different types of lines in shapes, so we are now ready to look at symmetry this week 

English: Story settings - thriller continued

Science:  Gases experiment 

Spellings group 1:

Spellings group 2:

- I'll, 

RE - Belonging 

PSHE -  Creating new dreams

History - Mummification ritual continued 

Spanish -  Names of the months and seasons 

ICT- Designing a website. 

Have a lovely weekend!
See you on Monday

Miss Bradford

Friday, 17 January 2020


Good afternoon Year 4!

Unfortunately I was unwell at the beginning of the week, but it was great to hear that the children were fantastically behaved for the adults covering the class. 

Next week:

Maths: Symmetry 

English: Story settings - thriller
Science:  Investigating gases

Spellings group 1:

Spellings group 2:

RE - pilgrimage continued

PSHE - overcoming disappointment continued

D&T- Completing work on shell structures

History - Who are the ancient Egyptians and what is mummification?

Spanish -  Names of the months and seasons 

ICT- Presenting PowerPoints

Have a lovely weekend!
See you on Monday

Miss Bradford

Friday, 10 January 2020


What a great start back to the school year we have had. The children have returned really focused and ready to learn.

Highlights of the week:
This week we went on an invertebrate hunt in the outdoor classroom area, and the children were so amazed by how many different creatures they found. They even found some eggs which turned out to be snail eggs as we researched this back in the classroom. The class really enjoyed exploring outside, I believe we have mini David Attenboroughs emerging!

Next week:

Maths: Converting measurements.

English: Non chronological report writing.

Science:  States of matter drama piece

Spellings group 1:

Spellings group 2:

RE - pilgrimage

PSHE - overcoming disappointment

D&T- Completing work on shell structures

History - Who are the ancient Egyptians and where in Egypt on the map?

Spanish -  Numbers 1-31

ICT- Including hyperlinks in our power point presentations.

Have a lovely weekend!
See you on Monday

Miss Bradford

Tuesday, 7 January 2020


Happy new year to you all! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and are coming back feeling refreshed. 

Please see below for the topics we will be covering this half term: 

- units of measurement 
-discrete continuous data
-properties of shape
- calculating decimals.

The children will be writing non chronological reports about volcanoes. Describing a range of story settings and writing and performing a script. 

We are looking at states of matter and will be conducting a range of experiments involving solids, liquids and gases. 

We are completing a unit of work on hopes and dreams where the class will be considering their goals and how to overcome disappointment when different obstacles get in the way of achieving these goals. 

We will be looking at different themes within Religion, for example, belonging and commitment and different religions show this. 

We will be researching and learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Egypt, mummification, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphics, and the different Egyptian gods. 

Half of the class are now going to now be completing art with a teacher from Stormont where they will be designing, creating and evaluating ceramic plates in the style of Ancient Egyptians linking to our History learning. The other half of the class will be completing Picasso inspired painting and experiment with different painting styles. After half term the groups will change so everyone will get a go at both units of work. The children have been told which group they are going in. 

Continuing to create powerpoint presentations and begin designing individual websites.

Looking forward to a great term!