Friday, 3 September 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

Welcome to Year 4! It is wonderful to see you all back excited and enthusiastic to learn. Over the last two days we have been focusing on what having a 'Growth Mindset' is and how we use our 'Growth Mindsets'. 


This half term we will be looking at a range of texts. 

We will be first focusing on 'The Dot' and writing a similar story. 

We will be reading Charlie Small: Gorilla City and writing an adventure story and a persuasive letter. 


In Maths we will be revising Place Value. We will be working with up to 4 digit numbers. 


Our focus this half term is Animals Including Humans. We will be learning about the digestive system. 


In Computing we will be focusing on how to be safe online. 


We will be exploring the Rainforest. We will be looking in the effects of deforestation and how the rainforest supports our everyday lives. 

Art and Design 

This half term we will look at the art of Gaudi and the use of shading. 


We will be looking at symbolism in worship. The children will look at a range of signs and symbols in different religions. 


Our Topic is called Being Me In My World. We will be thinking about how we are the best that we can be at all times. 


We will be learning basic greetings. 

PE - Please remember to bring in your PE Kit for every lesson. 

Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (Swimming)

Swimming - The children will be starting their swimming lessons on Wednesday. Please send your child in with a swimming costume or shorts and a towel. If you would like your child to wear a cap or goggles, please also send these in labelled although it is not a requirement for the children to have either. If you choose for your child to wear their swimming costume to school, please remember to pack underwear for your child. 

Every week the children will have a pre-test where they will be tested on the spellings for the upcoming week without having looked at them before. This works as a pre-assessment and means the children are only practising the the words they got wrong. If they receive 7 out of 10 or above, they have the extra challenge of finding other words that fit the same rule as well as learning the ones they got wrong. For example, if they scored 8/10 on their spelling test, they need to practise the 2 they got wrong, and find an additional 8 words that match the same rule, to make up to 10 spellings. For the first week of term I have given the children all the same words, so please do not worry if you find some of them tricky. Based on the scores for this week I will put the children into different spellings groups, so just try and learn as many as you can. 
The spellings this week are as follows: 









Please ensure you practice your times table on TTRS at home at least 3 times a week. Please read your books at least 10 minutes every evening and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a great weekend! 
Mrs Bidder