Friday, 10 September 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4 ,

Another great week. You have shown you all have a Growth Mindset in some challenging practical Maths this week. This week the children enjoyed Swimming on Wednesday, they were all very excited to tell me all about it when they returned. 

Next week

English – We will be beginning a new story - Charlie Small - Gorilla City and writing descriptions.

Maths – We will be continuing to focus on the Place Value of Numbers. 

Science - We will be learning the functions of different organs in the digestive system. 

RE - We will be learning about the what worship is. 

ART - We will be looking at the art style of Gaudi. 

PSHE - We will be thinking about what is means to be a team. 

Geography - We will be looking at where Rainforests are found around the globe. 

Times Table - x6 

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Tuesday (1 hour - full kit)

Wednesday (1 hour - full kit)

Please remember to bring a Swimming Kit as well as a towel, underwear, full school uniform and school shoes. 


Year 4 Meet The Teacher - Wednesday 15th September 

4.30pm and 5.30pm

I will be posting the spellings on Monday so please practise these throughout the week. All the children have now been issued reading books to read at home. 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and have lots of fun!


Mrs Bidder