Friday, 8 September 2023

Week ending 8th September 2023

 Hello Year Four,

We have had a fabulous week. The children have enjoyed all the fun activities and even the work!

They created some amazing mythical creatures and their descriptions were vivid and imaginative!

They spent time on beautiful sea back washes and have completed the seascapes with silhouettes of sea creatures which look very affective.

We did recap the 2 times table this week. There is a lot of work to do as the children need to know all their tables by the end of the year. Next week I have asked them to learn their '2s' as we will be testing this again at the end of the week. Please ensure that your child accesses TT Rockstars at home regularly to make sure they have rapid recall by the end of next week.

For the children that take part in 'whole class' spellings, please see next week's below:


actual (ly)










The children will have a spelling lesson at school and the test will be on Fridays. They will need to practise them at home.


This half term we will be working from the book 'Dear Earth' by Isobel Otter and Clara Anganuzzi. We will be writing a letter to 'Earth.' Next week we will be describing how it would feel to be an animal from a different part of the world. 

Our English lessons will move on to work around mythical creatures. I will update you each week.


We will begin with place value, up to 10,000. Next week the children will be representing and partitioning numbers to 10,000. We will work with number lines to 1000.


For the first half term we will be learning about the digestive system and teeth. Next week the children will be identifying and labelling the parts of the digestive system.


The theme for geography will be to find out where out food comes from. Next week we will be recapping on the rainforest and deforestation.


We will be looking at pilgrimage and special journeys. We will establish the difference between ordinary and special journeys. 


Internet safety will be the focus as we begin computing lessons.


The children will be thinking about their world, their relationships, struggles and successes for the first half-term. Next week we will focus on how it feels to be back at school, our friendship groups and any struggles we may be facing regarding our relationships.


The children will be drawing portraits of each other focussing on emotional expression.

Every week there will be several handwriting lessons, spelling practice and reading sessions incorporated into the above curriculum.

They have had a great first week in Year Four. They have been polite, respectful, ready to learn and keen pupils. I am looking forward to working with Year Four this year.

If you have any questions, concerns or queries please email or call me.

Many thanks 

Ms Davis