Friday, 25 October 2024

 Dear Parents,

I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of our first term already! It was wonderful to meet with so many of you at this week’s consultation meetings and have meaningful discussions about your child’s progress and learning.

We ended the week on a high note with a lovely woodland walk, tied to our geography unit on forest and woodland areas. The children conducted research on how our local woodland is used by the public, and it was fantastic to see them engaged in real-world learning outside the classroom.

This week, the children also finished writing their myths about the founding of their own cities, and I hope you enjoyed reading their creative stories during your visit to the school. To conclude this unit, the children created beautiful book covers for their work, focusing on summarising their stories. After the break, we will be moving on to the award-winning picture book, FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith, which will inspire some thoughtful writing and discussions.

In maths, we have been consolidating our skills in column addition and subtraction with exchanging. After half-term, we’ll shift our attention to measurement, focusing on how to find the area of shapes, which will help deepen the children’s understanding of geometry.

Looking ahead, we’ve got an exciting range of topics lined up for next term! In history, we’ll journey into the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt, exploring the rich culture, iconic monuments like the pyramids, and the beliefs surrounding mummification and the afterlife. The children will learn about the daily life of Egyptians, their rulers, and how this ancient civilization has influenced our world today.

In D.T., we’ll be focusing on healthy and varied diets, where the children will not only learn about the importance of balanced nutrition but also have the chance to design and create their own healthy meals. This will give them a hands-on experience in understanding food choices, with a focus on how they can make nutritious decisions in their own lives.

In science, we’ll dive into the world of sound. The children will be exploring how sound is produced, how it travels, and how our ears receive sound waves. We’ll conduct experiments to understand pitch and volume and investigate how sounds change in different environments, sparking curiosity and engagement with the subject.

Our computing lessons will introduce the children to audio production, where they’ll explore how sound recordings are made, edited, and used in various media. They’ll get hands-on experience creating their own audio projects, combining technical skills with creativity.

In R.E., we’ll be learning about the concept of the Trinity and its connection to Christmas through the theme of Incarnation. The children will explore the significance of Christmas in Christian beliefs and how this links to their wider understanding of religious festivals and traditions.

In PSHE, our new topic is "Celebrating Difference," where we will focus on understanding diversity, respecting one another’s differences, and fostering a sense of inclusion. The children will reflect on what makes each of us unique and why it is important to celebrate these differences within our school community and beyond.

On top of these enriching lessons, we’ve got some exciting educational visits planned, which will complement our classroom learning and bring these topics to life in new and engaging ways. I’ll be sharing more details about these trips as they approach, but rest assured they will provide fantastic hands-on learning experiences for the children.

I hope you all have a safe and relaxing half-term break, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the school’s firework display on Saturday, 2nd November!

Best regards,

Mr Chanter

Tuesday, 22 October 2024













Friday, 18 October 2024

 Dear Parents,

This first half-term has flown by, and I can't believe we only have one week left before the break! I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the parent consultation meetings next week, it will be nice to catch-up and discuss what we have been learning in class.

There are a couple of important updates to share. First, we will be having one of our PE slots on Tuesday instead of Thursday, so please ensure the children bring their PE kits in for then. Also, just a reminder that we will be going on our woodland walk on Friday as part of our geography topic on woodland areas. We’ll be exploring how our local woodland is used by the public, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately in warm, autumnal clothing.

This week, the children have been working hard on writing their own myths, inspired by the ones we’ve been reading in class. They’ve been putting a lot of thought into including expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, multi-clause sentences, and similes. I’ve been truly blown away by the quality of their writing! It’s been wonderful to see how much they’re enjoying the process, and next week, we’ll be finishing and editing these stories before designing our own front covers to go with them.

In maths, we’ve been focusing on using the column method for addition and subtraction, with a particular focus on exchanging. We’ll continue working on this next week to further develop their confidence and accuracy.

In PSHE, we’ve been discussing what qualities help us work effectively as part of a team and in what scenarios teamwork is important. The children have also been giving advice on how others can improve their collaboration skills, which has led to some thoughtful discussions.

Next week in science, we’ll be wrapping up our topic on animals including humans by reviewing everything we've learned so far. The children will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and show how much they’ve remembered.

I hope you all have a happy and safe weekend!

Best regards,

Mr Chanter

Monday, 14 October 2024













Friday, 11 October 2024

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your fantastic support of our Book Fair! Your contributions have helped us raise money to buy new books for the school, which is greatly appreciated. The children have been really enthusiastic about the books available, and it’s wonderful to see them so excited about reading.

In English this week, we have been learning about the tale of Romulus and Remus and how the ancient city of Rome was founded. The children focused on writing and punctuating direct speech, which tied into the legendary dialogue between the two brothers. Next week, we’ll be building on this by having the children create their own myths about a character founding an ancient city. They will incorporate all the writing skills we’ve been practicing recently, including using descriptive language, dialogue and punctuation. I’m looking forward to seeing their creativity shine!

In maths, we’ve been focusing on addition and subtraction. The children have been doing a great job, and next week we’ll be moving on to using the column method to add and subtract numbers up to four digits. This is an important skill which we'll be using in various ways to ensure the children feel confident.

In art, the children have been working on Picasso-inspired portraits. They have been creating collages and using cubist techniques to piece together unique and colourful portraits. The children are really enjoying experimenting with shapes, colours, and angles to develop their own cubism-style artwork. We’ll be continuing with these next week, adding more details to bring their portraits to life.

In science, we’ve been focusing on understanding food chains and labelling them using the correct scientific terms. The children have been learning about producers, consumers, and predators, and how each part plays a vital role in ecosystems. Next week, we’ll be expanding this by researching different animals and examining their teeth to understand their diets and how they fit into the food chain. This hands-on approach should help reinforce their learning.

Lastly, I wanted to give you a heads-up that during the week commencing Monday, 21st October (weather permitting), we’ll be conducting some research in our local woodland area. The children will be observing nature and applying what they've learned in class to a real-world environment. Please ensure that your child comes to school with appropriate autumn or winter layers, including a waterproof jacket, so they stay comfortable and warm during the outdoor activities.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you all have a relaxing weekend. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Best regards, 

Mr Chanter

Monday, 7 October 2024

Spellings W.B. 7.10.24












Friday, 4 October 2024

Good afternoon,

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Harvest service this morning. The children were thrilled to perform their songs and truly enjoyed the experience! Also, thank you for your support at the Book Fair so far. Just a reminder that it will also be running on Monday and Tuesday of next week, so there’s still time to grab some great books.

In class this week, we’ve been diving into the fascinating story of the fall of the ancient city of Troy. The children have been captivated by the tale! In maths, we’ve explored Roman numerals and compared them to our modern number system, as well as practicing rounding numbers to 10, 100, and 1,000.

Now, to cut to the chase—this week in science, we’ve been making artificial poo! It’s all part of understanding the digestive system and how everything works, which has definitely been an interesting (and slightly messy) lesson for everyone.

In PSHE, we’ve been learning about rights, responsibilities, and democracy, discussing why these are so important to us and how they shape the way we live and work together.

Looking ahead to next week, some of the children will be taking part in the first of our sharing assemblies on Monday, where they will talk about the work they’ve been doing so far this year.

In English, we’ll be exploring the rise of Rome through the story of Romulus and Remus and practicing writing multi-clause sentences based on this exciting tale. In maths, we will be moving on to a new topic focused on addition and subtraction. Meanwhile, in art, we’ll continue our work inspired by Picasso. The children will be working on their own Cubist portraits, using geometric shapes, clear lines, and bold colours to create their masterpieces.

In other news, we’re excited to invite the children to take part in this year's 500 Word Challenge! It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to showcase their creativity and writing skills, with a chance to win some amazing prizes for themselves and the school. If your child would like to learn more or submit their entry, they can find all the details here: 500 Word Challenge.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Spellings W/B 30.9.24










