Hello Year 4! We have had another great week. I cannot believe we are onto the final week next week! The time has flown by! It was lovely to see so many of you for parent consultations this week and discuss how fantastically your children have done this year.
There is a long list of library books that the children have taken out that need to be returned to the school as soon as possible. The children have been told which books they need to return, so can I please ask for these to be looked for at home and returned.
Next week:
Next week we are going to be creating an art project for display which is all about promoting awareness of plastic pollution. Please can the children bring in any plastic bottles that they have at home as we will be using these for the display.
On the last few days of term (around Monday 22nd July) I am planning to show the children the film Wonder as we have really been focusing on celebrating differences this year, and I feel that this film communicates this message in a great way. This is a PG rated movie so if you have any questions or wish for your child not to watch the film please contact me as soon as possible.
There are still a number of children coming to school without a water bottle. Please can you ensure that you child has one to bring with them next week.
In maths next week we are going to be focusing division and in English we are going to be having a grammar focus.
There will be no spellings next week. Please take this opportunity to have a look over the list of words that the children have been given to practise, which is the sheet I gave out during your parents consultations.
Have a lovely weekend and I am really looking forward to our last week together next week!
Miss Bradford