Friday, 25 October 2019


Good afternoon Year 4! 
I cannot believe we have reached the end of the first half term! I have been really impressed with how well the children have settled into the expectations of Year 4 and the great work they have produced. They have really risen the challenge! Keep it up Year 4!

Highlights of the week:
The children have had a great last week where they have been producing onomatopoeia poems in English. We have also been focusing hard on the times tables in maths this week. Please make sure you are practising over the holidays. You must learn them in the order that we have discussed. I have given out a list of games/websites to help you with your times tables at parents evening. This week the class also visited the nursery and reception children and really enjoyed reading and sharing stories with them. It was so lovely to see how caring the class were being towards the younger children. This will be activity that we will be carrying on with after half term. 

Over the holidays I will be uploading another blog with a list of subjects that we will be covering next half term. 

Home learning for the half term: 
    Children must be reading at home and completing learning on Mathletics. The children also need to be practising their times tables.  I have also given out a list of the spellings that the children are expected to know by the end of Year 4. Please look through this with your children and choose some to focus on over the half term, as there is no official spellings for the holidays. This is a great time to work through this list. If I forgot to give you one of these sheets, I apologise! I have created a tab at the top of the blog with the words on there. 

Below are some suggestions of mini tasks you can complete over half term to help your children become more independent. It would be great if you could photograph your children completing some of these tasks so we can create a display in the classroom. You do not have to complete all of these, choose the ones you think would be most beneficial and interesting to you.

- Learn how to tie a tie.
-   - Learn how to tie your laces.
- Take a walk outside and complete an observation drawing of nature.- Learn or practise riding a bike.- Practise swimming.- Write a letter to me (Miss Bradford) with the correct address of Little Heath and either bring it in on the first day back, or you can actually post it! It can be about anything you like!- Visit the local library.
- Practise telling the time.

Have a fantastic half term, you should be really proud of yourselves for all of the hard work you have achieved so far. I am looking forward to seeing you all refreshed after the break.

     Miss Bradford

Friday, 18 October 2019


Hello Year 4! We have had a really busy and exciting week of learning. 

Highlights of the week:
In maths, the children have been consolidating their place value column addition and subtraction. They really enjoyed listen to the  'Shake it off column addition' song to help remember the steps to this method! Here is the link if they want to watch it again at home.

In English, the children have been using all the skills we have built upon to write their own myth/quest story.  

The children really enjoyed our school trip to the Potters Bar museum, where they learnt lots of interesting facts about local history. The asked some great questions and represented the school really well. Please see below for pictures. 

I was lucky enough to go to the Lochinver 'Sing Out' day on Monday with members of the choir. It is so lovely to have so many members of the choir from Year 4! It was a great day and the children sang beautifully and really enjoyed being apart of a singing ensemble. 

The children really enjoyed conducting our science experiment today on tooth decay. They are very interested to find out what is going to happen to the eggs they have placed in different liquids to show the effect of these drinks on our teeth. 

The mindfulness song of the week was the Friends theme song 'I'll be there for you’ . The children have spoken about the importance of friendship and always supporting each other. 

Please note: 
Please make sure you check your parents consultation slot for next week. I am looking forward to meeting you all to discuss your child's progress. Just so that you are aware, these are 10 minute appointments and I will need to stick to this as much as possible to ensure that every one is seen on time. Of course if we do not manage to discuss everything in that time we can make arrangements to meet to finish off our meeting. 

Next week: 
English: Onomatopoeia poetry.  

Maths: Counting in multiples. 

Science: Results from tooth decay experiment.  

PSHE: Looking at actions and consequences continued. 

Art: Observation drawing of a special item.

History: Publishing non-chronological report.

Spanish: Classroom vocabulary continued. 

RE: Exploring what makes a Gurdwara. 

ICT: Times table practise. 

Spellings: The spellings for this week are taken from the statutory spelling list.  
If the children received 7, 8 , 9 or 10/10. I would like them to also find synonyms for each of the words. 



Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.I look forward to meeting you all for parents evening next week. 
Miss Bradford

Friday, 11 October 2019


Hello Year 4! 

Highlights of the week:
In maths, the children have been looking at place value column addition. The children have enjoyed using  different maths resources and even their own bodies to represent how to layout this method. In English we have been planning our own myth/quest stories based on all of our learning. It was lovely to see so many of you at the 'Harvest Festival' today. The children sang really well and seemed to really enjoy this. We have also been planning our experiment on tooth decay. The children have decided different liquids that they would like to place an egg in (representing the human tooth) to see the effect it will have. 

The mindfulness song of the week was ‘Proud’ by Heather Small. The children have reflected on what they have done in and out of school that they are proud of.  

Important notices: - Next week we are going to the Potters Bar museum on Thursday morning. Please make sure you children come to school with a coat with a hood, as we will be walking to and from the museum. We will be back in time for lunch. 

- We will be continuing with our observational art drawings on Thursday afternoon. The children who finished drawing their first item this week will need to bring in their second item on Thursday. Those children who didn't quite finish need to bring in their first item again so they can complete this. The children have been told and reminded  which item they need to bring it. 

-Our first sharing assembly of the school year is on Monday. Unfortunately I will not be in school as I am going to Lochinver with the choir on this day. However, the children who are presenting in this sharing assembly are prepared and excited to share the work they are proud of. 

Next week: 
English: Writing a myth/quest story. 

Maths: Written strategies for addition and subtraction continued. 

Science: Carrying out a tooth decay experiment. 

PSHE: Looking at actions and consequences

Art: Observation drawing of a special item.

History: Potters Bar museum trip.

Spanish: Classroom vocabulary.

RE: Exploring the life of Guru Nanak.

ICT: Timetable rock stars programme.  

Spellings: Due to children quite frequently misspelling the days of the week and months of the year wrong in their books, I have decided that these will be our spellings for this week. I have spoken to the children about the importance of writing these words with a capital letters.  


Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.
Miss Bradford

Friday, 4 October 2019


Hello Year 4! 

Highlights of the week:
In maths, the children have been looking at the most effective methods to solve subtraction. In English we have been creating character descriptions for our myth/quest stories. The children really enjoyed our history lesson this week where we were interviewing Mr Beridge about Potters Bar. The children asked some great questions, and learnt lots of new information. In science we have been making information booklets all about human teeth. The class are getting excited about using this learning for our upcoming experiment on tooth decay!

The mindfulness song of the week was ‘Fight song’ by Rachel Platten. The children spoke about how this represents standing up for what is right. 

Please note: 
As part of our art topic, we are completing a project all about what makes us unique. Over the next couple of weeks we will be completing some observation drawings of things that are special to the children. The class wrote which 4 things they would like to bring in to draw on a post it note which has gone home. Can I please ask that they bring 1 of these items in on Thursday for our first observation drawing. It does not need to stay in school and will go home with them on Thursday evening. 

Next week:
English: Creating myth and question stories.

Maths: Written strategies for addition and subtraction. 

Science: Designing a tooth decay experiment. 

PSHE: Looking at democracy in the world.

Art: Observation drawing of a special item.

History: Planning non chronological report. 

Spanish: Classroom vocabulary.

RE: Exploring the Sewa in Sikhism.

ICT: Researching about Potters Bar history. 

Spellings: The spellings for next week are taken from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list. 


Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.
Miss Bradford