Monday, 28 September 2020

Spellings 28/9/20

Spelling Rule Focus - 'y' with the 'i' sound.  











Friday, 25 September 2020


Good Afternoon Year 4,

Well done to you all for all your hard work this week. You are all improving your behaviour and attitudes towards your learning well done! 

Throughout the week please continue to use Mathletics and Reading. Remember you need to be practising your times tables up to x12. When you have read your book with your parents please ask them to sign their names in your reading record. 

Next Week

Maths - Next week we will be focusing on Place Value with numbers beyond 1000.

English – In English we are going to be finishing our stories and moving onto our Myths and Legends topic with our new text, Beowulf. 

Science – Next week we are going to be investigating the digestion system and writing an explanation about this. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.  Get lots of rest. 

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 21 September 2020

Spellings of the Week

Using apostrophes for contraction.

  1. I'll - I will
  2. Isn't - Is not 
  3. Hasn't - Has not 
  4. I'm - I am 
  5. He'll - He will 
  6. Won't - Will not 
  7. Don't - Do not 
  8. Can't - Cannot
  9. I'd - I had/would
  10. I've - I have
  11. Aren't - Are not 

Friday, 18 September 2020


 Good Afternoon Year 4 ,

Another great week. I have already read some of your fantastic persuasive letters and I hope you have used some fantastic emotive language and rhetorical questions.  

Next Friday you will have individual photographs taken. Winter uniform is suggested (but not compulsory) as you all look very smart in this – do not worry if you haven’t got a winter uniform yet or if you would prefer summer uniform.


Mathletics/Mathseeds – I hope you are all using your maths program. I expect a minimum of x3 20 minute sessions per week where possible.

Next week

English – We will be continuing with our story. We will be writing our own version of the story so begin thinking about how you might like to change the plot.

Maths – We will be continuing to solve division problems and applying this to fractions.    

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Tuesday (1 hour - full kit)

Wednesday (1 hour - full kit)


You have all settled much better this week and are getting back into routine very quickly which I know, will continue next week. I will be posting the spellings on Monday so please practise these throughout the week.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and have lots of fun!


Mrs Bidder

Monday, 14 September 2020

Spelling Words of the Week.

This week we are continuing to add ly. 

If there is a split digraph (i_e - a_e - o-e) you need to add ly to the word. 

If the word ends in 'y' take the 'y' away and add 'ily'











Friday, 11 September 2020

End of The Week Blog

Good Evening Year 4,

I am shocked by how quickly this week has flown by! It has been an exciting week filled with lots of fantastic discussion about our picture ‘A Road in Tahiti.’ I am looking forward to putting your pictures and diaries on display and seeing the final result.

This half term we will be covering the following aspects in each subject:


Into The Forest

Diary Entry

(From the point of view of the boy)

Into The Forest

Adventure story (Changing the plot of the story)




(Writing your own myth – focus on description)



(Writing your own myth – focus on description)


Persuasive Letter

(To dissuade Hrothgar from the mission)



Digestion and how it happens.



Division problem solving – sharing and grouping.

Division – two and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers including halving.

Multiplication, division and fractions – scaling and correspondence. Problems              Division – long division.

Time – hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, months, years.

Time - telling the time (analogue and digital) and estimation.        Time – duration. securing the four operations with whole number including problem solving.

Place value and decimals – ten times greater and ten times smaller.

Place value and decimals – regrouping.

Place value and decimals – estimation, comparing and rounding.

Measures – measuring and problem solving.



Animals Including Humans.

Recap on our knowledge of the digestive system.

Introduction to the digestive system.

Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.

(Naming and Labelling)

Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.

(Understanding the functions of different parts)

Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.


Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.


Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.


E Safety Lesson.

Being SMART online. Discuss the issues that we may face online and discuss how we might overcome these.

To talk about the ways I can protect myself and my friends from harm online.


To discuss whether a resource I am using is on the Internet, the school network or my own device.

To identify key words to use when searching safely on the World Wide Web.


To think about the reliability of information I read on the World Wide Web.


To discuss how to check who owns photos, text and clipart.


To create a hyperlink to a resource on the World Wide Web.



Eliminate the fear of drawing using the story ‘The Dot’.

Children to draw their own version of a dot picture.

Creating a response to another picture.

Paul Gaugin Road to Tahiti.

Exploring art from other cultures relating the RE. Design a Diwali pattern.

Draw an object/ artefact from the Anglo Saxon era.

Design and draw using shading a piece of Anglo Saxon Jewellery.

Use clay to model sculpt an Anglo Saxon pattern as. This can be on a pot or just a piece of clay.

Discuss their likes and dislikes about their sculpture and identify any improvements that may need to be made.


To understand that the past is divided into differently named periods of time and use some dates to explain world history.

To write sentences or a paragraph to describe some of the main events, people and changes in the history of the wider world.

To tell you a range of similarities/differences between different times in the past in the periods covered so far.

To understand that the past is divided into differently named periods of time and use some dates to explain local history.

To answer and sometimes devise my own historically valid questions


To study the archaeological evidence at Sutton Hoo to ask and answer questions.

To compare our modern age life today to that of an Anglo Saxon.


What does religion mean to me? Introducing religion, why we study it, the importance of acceptance and tolerance. Reflective lesson linking to British Values.

Introduce main religions.







Introduce topic for this half term: Symbolic expression in prayer and worship.


What is worship? How do different people show acts of worship? 

Discuss different points from different religions. Introduce Sikhism and Christianity. What do we already know?




Introduce Sikhism and specifically focus on the 5K’s. Link to religious belongings of Christian’s, holy beads, cross etc. Link to children’s personal belief, what is significant?

Learn about Sikh and Christian God/s and begin designing their own God based on their beliefs and things that are important to them, e,g. God of animals or laughter.

Explore Vaisakhi and compare this to a Christian festival.



Learn about Sikh and Christian God/s and begin designing their own God based on their beliefs and things that are important to them, e,g. God of animals or laughter

Explore and research Sikh and Christianity art and culture.


We will continue to practise our handwriting and spellings weekly. You will have a pre-test every Monday and then receive the spellings to practise every day. Well done for continuing to read daily.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 7 September 2020

Spelling Words of the Week

The suffix 'ly' 

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Good Evening Year 4, I am glad we are all back well and healthy. I hope you all had a fantastic start to the year I certainly have! It has been exciting getting to know you all and settling back into school! The last two days have been focussed on getting to know each other, settling back into the school routine and understanding some of the changes to the school day. Next week we will begin to follow our timetable and settle more into a routine. However, our theme for next week is 'Take One Picture,' so our main focus will be a famous painting which you will be introduced to on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing you Monday. Mrs Bidder