Monday, 29 November 2021

Spelling 29/11/2021

Adding Suffixes 

The children will learn these with suffixes throughout the week. They can practise with their chosen suffix at home. 









Friday, 26 November 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. This week we have spent lots of time focusing on how to solve problems involving ratio. We have been using our multiplication knowledge to solve correspondence problems. I have sent home some learning with the children for  them to practise their learning from this week. This does not need to be brought back into school by a certain time. Yesterday, we had another exciting presentation from two marine biologists. Although it took place as a quiz, we learnt lots of new and exciting facts. 

Project - The project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021

MUFTI Day - Next Friday 3rd December will be a MUFTI day For the Christmas Hampers. Please can you bring in an item for the Christmas Hampers. 


PE will now be on a Tuesday PM and Thursday PM. Tuesday will still be football so they will still need to bring in their kits and Thursday will be normal PE Kit as it is indoor PE. 

Next Week 

Maths - We will be continuing to learn methods of Multiplication (column multiplication)

English - We will be beginning to plan our non - fiction writing based on the Anglo - Saxons.

Science - We will be discussing pitch and volume. 

Computing - We will be creating databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be continuing to learn about the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to create light and dark pictures. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be learning about Hindu Gods and think about all the good qualities of these.  

Please ensure you are practising times tables with your children. Please use the Soundcheck area on TTRS.

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 22 November 2021

Spelling - 22/11/2021

 Adding suffixes to words. 

 1. group - grouped

 2. guard - guarded 

 3. guide - guided 

 4. hear - heard 

 5. heart - hearten 

 6. height - heighten 

 7. history - historian 

 8 . imagine - imagining 

 9. increase - increasing 

10. important - importantly 

Friday, 19 November 2021


 Good Afternoon Year 4, 

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. Thank you to everyone who attended the assembly, the children made me very proud! This week we have spent lots of time focusing on multiplication and using efficient methods. Yesterday, we had another exciting presentation from some engineers. The children particularly enjoyed listening to the material engineer. We discussed the different uses for a material engineer and how they have such an impact on the world around us today.

Project - The project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021


There will be no more Swimming for Year 4. Unfortunately our swimming lessons have come to an end. The children have improved over the weeks and will hopefully continue to practise their skills in their own time. 

PE will now be on a Tuesday PM and Thursday PM. Tuesday will still be football so they will still need to bring in their kits and Thursday will be normal PE Kit. 

Next Week 

Maths - We will be continuing to learn methods of Multiplication. 

English - We will be continuing to write our story.

Science - We will be discussing pitch and volume. 

Computing - We will be researching databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be continuing to learn about the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to create light and dark pictures. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be learning about Hindu Gods.  

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 15 November 2021

Spellings 15/11/2021

graphemes 'ey and eigh' sounds like 'ay'






'ou/oe' grapheme sounds like 'u'







'ch' grapheme sounds like 'sh'





Friday, 12 November 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. We have focused lots on COP26 and the changes we can make as a community to support Climate Change. We have spent lots of time this week discussing and learning about Deforestation. Yesterday, we had another exciting presentation from 4 different designers. The children were able to discuss their interests and questions they had about the different engineering jobs. The children were particularly interested in electrical engineering. 

Project - The project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021


On Friday 19th November Year 4 will present their class assembly at 9am. You are welcome to join us to watch. The children have their words. Please can you encourage the children to practise these. 

Next Week 

Maths - We will be focusing on Multiplication. 

English - We will be planning a story.

Science - We will be learning about how sounds are made. 

Computing - We will be researching databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be introduced to the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to create light and dark pictures. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be part of a Diwali workshop. 

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 8 November 2021

Spellings 08/11/21











Friday, 5 November 2021

Mythical Creature Project


Design and Make Your Own Mythical Creature.


Choose an animal that interests you, then find a picture. Think about what are the important features of this animal.

To make your mythical creature, you can combine a human and an animal or two animals!

What is your creature called?

If you are combining two real animals, you could take part of the name for each.

For example, a half-Zebra, half-Giraffe might be called a Ziraffe!



Design a Wanted Poster for your Creature

WANTED! (+ name of creature).

This _____________ creature is half _____________, half _____________. It was last seen ______ing (+ prepositional phrase). It has ____________ hair / legs / eyes with ______________________. The ______________ beast moves (+simile / adverbial phrase). People say that it came from _____________________. If you see this ___________________ then _______________________. For your picture, you could draw your creature or use collage to combine the different elements!


Create a myth/legend for your creature. This can be presented however you would like;

·       Comic strip

·       Picture book

·       Story

·       Poster

·       Role play

·       Puppet show


Think about these questions:

·       Is your creature a hero, a villain, or neither?

·       Where and when is the story set?

·       Who are the other characters? If your creature is a baddie, then who is your hero going to be? This could provide you with the title of your myth, like Theseus and the Minotaur.

·       What is the problem that happens in the story, and how is it resolved? Is there a moral or lesson?


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

Welcome back after half term. We have had an exciting week of learning and are lucky to finish it off with a beautiful firework display tomorrow. Yesterday, we were very lucky to have a session with three different ladies in the field of STEM. We spoke to a herbologist, a landscape architect and a researcher who works at Kew Gardens who is extracting DNA from plants and flowers. The children had fantastic questions about what they had learnt. Fortunately for the children, Miss Davis has organised for the children to have presentation each week from a different sector of STEM to give the children more information about different roles within STEM. 

Project - The project will be posted on a separate post name Mythical Creature. 

This project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021

Sharing Assembly 
Throughout the year the children, in their friendship groups, will share some of their learning. I have attached a link to show which dates the children will be sharing. Parents/guardians are welcome to come and watch this assembly to celebrate the children's learning. 

Next Week 

Maths - Counting in 6,7,8,9,12

English - We will be using descriptive language to write about an imaginary character.

Science - We will be learning about how Sounds are made. 

Computing - We will be researching databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be introduced to the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to make different shades. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be focusing on the God Ganesh. 

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 1 November 2021

Spellings 1/11/2021

 Adding a prefix - il, im, in, ir











