Friday, 28 February 2025

 Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely half-term break – whether you took some time to relax or managed to squeeze in some fun activities. It’s hard to believe another week has gone by, but we’ve certainly packed a lot of fun and learning into our week here in Year 4!

This week, the children have been working hard on their sequels to Winter's Child and have written their own versions called Spring’s Child. The children have done a fantastic job of taking on the writing style of the author, adding their own creative twists to the story. They’ve also made great use of the spelling, punctuation, and grammar skills we’ve covered in this unit. We’ve worked on expanded noun phrases, direct speech (with lots of attention to detail, including using a range of pronouns and starting sentences with fronted adverbials). Next week, we’ll be diving into our next book – The Lion and The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes (a personal favourite of mine!).

In maths this week, we started our topic on fractions. The children have been exploring how fractions can add up to make mixed numbers and have been learning to partition mixed numbers in different ways. Next week, we’ll continue our fraction work by comparing and ordering mixed numbers, and we’ll begin looking at improper fractions.

In history, we’ve started learning about the Anglo-Saxons, Picts, and Scots. The children have been investigating when these groups of people settled in Britain and from which parts of the world they came. It’s been really interesting to see how they’re connecting the dots between these different civilisations!

This week in computing, the children have been building on their coding skills using Turtle Academy. They’ve been creating different shapes using the repeat function, which has been a great way for them to develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Next week, we’ll begin a new topic in computing called Data and Information - Data Logging.

In science next week, we’ll be starting our unit on Electricity. The children will be learning about the basic principles of electricity, how circuits work, and will get the chance to build their own simple circuits. We’ll explore how electricity is used in everyday life and investigate the importance of safety when using electrical devices.

Upcoming Activities

  • Science Workshop: In preparation for Science Week, the children will participate in a hands-on science workshop. They'll be exploring practical experiments and investigations that will really bring the science curriculum to life!

  • World Book Day: On Friday, 7th March, we’ll be celebrating World Book Day. The children are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters, and they’ll take part in a range of fun reading and writing activities. We’ll also have a special workshop led by author Camilla Chester, whose award-winning book Call Me Lion has been a big hit! If you haven’t placed an order for one of her books already, you’ll also have the opportunity to buy a signed copy on the day.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Wishing you all a wonderful and safe weekend ahead!

Best wishes,

The Year 4 Team

Monday, 24 February 2025

Mrs Friedmann's Spelling Group












Mr Chanter's Spelling Group












Friday, 14 February 2025

Good evening,

I hope you've all had a lovely week and are looking forward to a restful half-term break! It’s been a wonderful week in Year 4 and I’d like to share some of the exciting things we’ve been up to.

This week, we’ve wrapped up our reading of Winter’s Child, and the children have shown great enthusiasm for the story. We’ve spent time discussing the plot and characters, which has led to some fantastic ideas for their own creative writing. The class has been busy planning their sequels to the book, and after the half term, they will be writing these narratives, using all the skills they’ve developed throughout the term.

In Maths, we’ve just completed our topic on length and perimeter. The children have done a great job of understanding how to calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. We’ve spent time applying their knowledge in real-world contexts, measuring the sides of different shapes and adding up the lengths to find the perimeter. They’ve also worked on understanding the difference between perimeter and area, which is something we’ll continue to revisit in future topics.

This week, we conducted an experiment on the process of evaporation. The children measured the size of a puddle at different times throughout the day, observing how its perimeter changed as the water evaporated. Through this hands-on investigation, they learned about the science behind evaporation and how the water cycle works. After gathering their data, the children created line graphs to visually represent the changes they observed. It was a fantastic learning opportunity for them to connect real-life observations with scientific concepts.

In Geography, we’ve been learning about food miles. The children researched fresh foods from different supermarkets to explore where they come from and how far they travel to reach our homes. We calculated the average food miles for different products and discussed the environmental impact of transporting food across long distances. Some children also had the chance to share their fantastic food-related projects with the class, while others will present theirs after the half-term. The children showed a real curiosity for this topic, and I look forward to continuing the discussion after the half term.

Safer Internet Day:
This week, we also marked Safer Internet Day. The theme for this year was scamming and phishing, and the children explored different types of online scams and how to recognise them. They learned about common warning signs, such as suspicious links and emails, and discussed how they can protect themselves online. We also emphasised the importance of being cautious with personal information and knowing who to contact if something feels unsafe on the internet.

Wellbeing Week:
As part of Wellbeing Week, the children had the chance to reflect on what makes them happy. They worked together in groups to create a collaborative, "Happy World" using playdough. It was a lovely activity that encouraged the children to appreciate how different things bring happiness to different people. They showed great understanding of the importance of acceptance and working together to create positive environments for everyone. This was a great opportunity for the children to consider their own wellbeing and how we can all contribute to making the world a better place.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. I hope everyone has a well-deserved rest over the half-term break!

Warm regards,

The Year 4 Team

Monday, 10 February 2025

Mrs Friedmann's Spelling Group












Mr Chanter's Spelling Group












Friday, 7 February 2025

Good evening everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely week. It’s hard to believe that we only have one week left before the half-term break!


This week in English, we have been delving into the beautifully written story Winter’s Child. Our focus has been on writing dialogue between the two main characters, ensuring the correct use of punctuation, such as inverted commas, to structure speech clearly. The children have also been learning about apostrophes, both for contractions (e.g., don’t, it’s, we’ll) and possession (e.g., Winter’s coat, the boy’s adventure). We’ve been working on applying these skills within our own writing to create engaging and accurate dialogue.


In Science, we have been learning about different parts of the water cycle, exploring key processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. The children have been fascinated by how water continuously moves through the cycle, changing state between liquid, gas, and solid. Next week, we will continue our investigations into water, focusing on reversible changes. We will explore how water can change from ice to liquid and then to gas, and we’ll conduct some exciting experiments to see how these changes can be reversed.

Maths Day Fun!

Today was our much-anticipated Maths Day, and the children had a fantastic time engaging in a range of fun, practical activities. They took part in a place value game, testing their knowledge of numbers and their values in a creative way. Another highlight was designing a school garden, where they applied their understanding of perimeter to plan out different areas within the space. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and teamwork as they tackled each challenge!

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 11th February

Next Tuesday, we will be marking Safer Internet Day by completing a range of activities to help children understand the importance of staying safe online. We will be discussing how to recognise potential risks, the importance of keeping personal information private, and how to seek help if they encounter something concerning. We encourage you to continue this conversation at home. Please take this opportunity to check your child’s online activity and review security settings on their devices to ensure they are engaging with age-appropriate content. By working together, we can help children develop safe and responsible online habits.

Mental Health Focus Next Week

Next week, we will also be focusing on mental health and well-being. Through a variety of activities, we will encourage children to recognise and express their feelings, develop strategies for managing emotions, and understand the importance of talking about mental health.

Reminders for Next Week:

  • KS2 Valentine’s Disco – Wednesday 12th February
  • Geography Projects – Friday 14th February - The children can bring in their geography projects to share with the class. We can’t wait to see their hard work!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend – hopefully, it won’t be too wet!

The Year 4 Team

Monday, 3 February 2025

Mrs Friedmann's Spelling Group












Mr Chanter's Spelling Group










